Der Verpackungswettbewerb Better with Less von Metsä Board fordert Designer auf, innovative umweltfreundliche Verpackungsideen zu entwickeln:
Billions of consumer packages are consumed globally every day, and the amount is growing. The Better with Less – Design Challenge is challenging packaging designers to create ever more environmentally-friendly, functional packaging solutions for everyday goods. The international competition jury includes renowned packaging design experts.
Conditions: The main material used shall be paperboard or other material that is sustainable, renewable or recyclable. The use of other materials such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. is allowed when complementary, structural or incidental to the above. However, the use of mono-material is preferred. All designs presented shall be new, not having been commercialised or published prior to the date of the contest.
Nachhaltige und praktische Schüttverpackung.
mehr erfahrenUmweltfreundlicher Serviettenhalter.
mehr erfahrenSpielerischer und nachhaltiger Zahnputztimer.
mehr erfahrenNachhaltiger und benutzerfreundlicher Rasierspender.
mehr erfahrenNachhaltige und praktische Batterieverpackung
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